Monday, November 03, 2008

Post operation

She had and is still sharing me with her lil brother for as long as she can remember... Yes... she was a total *cadı* (witch) as a baby...i clearly remember how my late mom in law (anne) gave up looking after her after 15 minutes (luckily kerim amca n meşe hala were there) when my beloved and i went to a movie..... but the truth is...she never could remember having me by her side from the age of 15 months..just me and her..alone... getting my full concentration...

I guess despite the pain n her suffering... there is one good thing over the whole thing..she got me all to herself...when she was sick at home (pre surgery)...i was basically with her day n nite...I was the one carrying her to and pro marmara poliklinik...when kerim brought her to the Sema hospital for the ultrasound..i was with her.. and i was there by her side in the hospital and post hospital until she was well enough for me to *abandon* her again and start dealing with her lil bro as her time of need... she reached out to me like she had never done before simply because a child needs a mother and i was glad she had me all to herself while her lil brother had been looked after by other family members....i am truly glad that i got to spend time with my lil princess despite everything....

The first week she went to school (that's last week)..i had forbidden her to go out of her class and run around.... and sweet elanur in particular as well as her other close frends helped to lift up her spirit as well by staying in class with her and play with her... This week i have cut her some slack...yes... she can go outside the building wth her friends but with minimal running...
we basically have forbidden her to participate in her folk dance class as well as her physical education class for this first semester...we just dont wanna take the risk... Alhamdulillah...everyone understand our plight very well and are giving her their moral support in so many ways possible...

How is her lesson? is she left behind? i think she is doing quite ok...catching up i suppose...i am simply monitoring her progress right now...Yes.. she has never ben the top 5 or top 10 even in the tests but i see her improving slowly... from 24 wrongs...she got 15 wrongs..and the last one... 7 wrongs... she was happy beyond words and for us...his parents... all we can do is to give her encouragement whenever possible...


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