Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Slow as a snail

On Monday, i sent a note (as i always do) of the problems i think Hatice is facing while doing her homework at home. The weekend (done on friday) practiclly drove me mad snce it took hatice 15 mnutes to understand a simple question that by the time she finished her math homework we were moving towards her hayat bilgisi homework, i stopped making her read all the questions and read the questions for her.

Today, her class teacher called discuss the problem. It seems that hatice is slow in doing her work in school..she writes slowly...she finishes her assignment in class slowly that when she couldnt finish everything fast, she had to bring them home as her homework... more work in addition to her normal homework..

It is also a general happening in the class for the students to have difficulties of understanding what they read...

I have noticed that she does her homework slow... she writes slowly too..

The thing is...she realises it too. She kept telling me in turkish.....

*anne... i write slowly because i want to write my best. But i can't finish my work fast. and i still can't write as beautiful as Elanur or Atakan*

i keep telling her to write as beautiful as pssible but at a faster speed. I don't know how to make her write faster. I don't know how to make her understand what she reads coz at times, i don't understand the questions myself...*sigh*..

Her teacher said that next week she will do something ...good luck Nuray Hanım!! Allah size sabırlı versın!.. let us see her development in 2 weeks' time...i hope she will improve by then....


and she also needs to work on recognising numbers... her big problem so far..i need to think of what i can do for her on this.....she needs to learn recognising numbers fast... maybe baddin can help her on that? we will see...wish her luck!!


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