School uniform
i just simply dunno what to buy..Sağol Meşe!
Safa, Meşe, Hatice n Baddin in front of the shop
When a message came from the school saying that the school uniform will be selling at a shop called inspire....i was worried. True, baddin will enter the pre school. He wont be needing a school uniform.But hatice, on the other hand, will be entering the first grade.She definitely needs to wear the school uniform.
It was that day when i asked Meşe's help to bring me to the shop.. being the eldest among her siblings, she definitely knows what to buy etc etc etc... and her agreement to help was a godsend... this was my first time ever buying the school uniform for my kid... without her, i would have been clueless!!
And yes.. she did bring us to inspire... practically took over the choosing n fitting of the school uniform..etc..etc.. i was just a watcher... watching... learning so that next year i will be able to buy the uniform for my kids myself...
Safa still has his last year's uniform.. lucky meşe, she needed not buy many things for safa...
Meşe said that parents go bankrupt in September...After paying for the school costumes... i can actually see for myself that she is 100% right...and there will still be the buying of the textbooks etc..etc...
i think i will start saving for next year's school expenses from this year!
Annelar ve babalar...batiyoruzzzzzz :0)
Dear children... please study hard.. so that the money spent on ur education stuffs will be worth paying
Labels: Summer 2007
Tentu banyak uniform yang kena beli ni .... for winter lah, for hotter days lah, PE lah, regular days lah ..... koyak rebeh poket, ye Simah?? But it is all very exciting. Agaknya Hatice nanti dok berkali-kali cuba baju2 tu ... pakai, buka, pakai, buka, pose-pose depan cermin, hehehe!
memang banyak jenis... dah la tu mahal gila baju baju tu... terkedu lidah bila dengar harga semua baju tu...(iyea la.. kat malaysia harga baju berganda ganda murah dari sini)... walaupun saya bayar cash..tapi kalau nak, kedai tu ada buat 2 kali bayaran ansuran...
ini baju ajer... bab buku dan segala alat tulis tu..saya memang takuttttt nak pikir hehehe...
hatice cuba baju tu sekali ajer.. panassssssssss hehehe...anak orang turki tak tahan panas...:0)
Simah ni baru satu je yg sekolah so not that bad lah kan?
awal september sakit kepala... tak pe baru permulaan... nanti dah ada pengalaman dah tau nak bajet...
pada hatice and baddin, aunty doakan semoga jadi pelajar cemerlang , InsyaAllah.
Mencabar jugak ya? Hehe...
bukan senang kan simah nak besarkan ni baru kita tau mcmana parents kita dulu sacrificed mcm2 nak tengok kita pandai..
bright and colourful..ceria budak2 sekolah kat sana kan..
kak elle
true.. next year punya school expenses kena save dari sekarang kalau tidak pengsan hehehe
aminnnnn,nsyaAllah depa jadi pelajar yg cemerlang... terutamanya dengan berkat doa semua orang :0)
memang saya tengah belajar ni akak.. ..dan yg bestnya harga kat sini tiap tahun naik melambung... :0)
mencabar... but it is fun all the same :0)
pengorbanan mak pak kita... memang la masa mcm ni baru dapat i appreciate.. my own parents for example... anak 6.. my dad gaji kecik aja... still depa boleh sekolahkan anak sampai grad uni.. tabikkan kat ibu bapa zaman dulu esp ..
memng bright n colorful baju dia..tapi kan sue... baju sekolah mcm ni hanya pelajar yg belajar kat sekolah *coskun* aja yg pakai.. pelajar sekolah kerajaan baju dia lain dan kaler pun lain... mcm sekolah swasta dari group yg lain depa baju lain... tapi memang sekolah hatice ni baju depa memang selesa gilaaaaaaaa.. iyea la pakai t-shirt aja :0)
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