Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Summer in Sapanca

All her life, summer was, is and will always be related to baba's sapanca house coz that is the place where we spend most of our days in Summer.....esp to get away from the heat of istanbul... The green...the clean air...sapanca is never too hot.... it is located uphill...and even if we do get all hot n sweaty, there is always the pool we can jump into right infront of the house, at the garden area....

Before the summer holiday, I brought that 15 YTL book from nilgün hanım.. hatice's class teacher, to be done during summer... guilty as charged, we havent even done any of the pages but one ... but what was she busy with all these time? Well

She was quite fair before the she is dark chocolate in colour! hehehe Well.. if she goes to Malaysia with the skin color she is now..without opening her mouth, people will definitely think of her as a Malay girl :0)

At the sapanca house garden playing with her little brother and baba
Playing jump jump with her cousins

She created an arch using sticks n rubber band
I was impressed by her creativity
Hatice at the pool..she spent 3 hours daily in the pool

Chocolate cake cooking time! it was yummy!

The cats that hatice helped to feed...

Jungle trekking (büyük tür)..for one hour and a half whenever possible..and it was refreshing
coz after the trekking, we get to jump into the pool!

Kite flying attempts at kırkpınar.....there was simply not enough wind!

A bicycle ride as the dad played the basketball wth the lil bro..

She wanted to learn how to do pony tail hair design... so i taught her using 3 ropes n she did it! i am so proud of her! in a year or two, i think she will do her own design before going to school...
And like mother like daughter... she is interested in taking photos.. these r 2 photos (among many other) that she snapped while we were in Sapanca..
A rose in the garden...

A snail...
Life is not only learned in formal education.. For life to be complete... informal education i strongly believe should be inculcated within a child... and the love for nature is definitely not to be left out...


At 8:20 AM, Blogger sue said...

wah simah..bestnye banyak aktiviti kat sapanca..seronok tengok gambar yg'jump jump..' tu..

tak sabar nak tunggu sugiya besar, boleh buat rambut mcm u buat kat hatice, tapi rambut dia lambat naik la..apa nak buat?

aha..baju tu dari indon..i dah start sgt :-) rugi tak belajar awal

At 8:21 AM, Blogger sue said...

oopss..tersalah spell nama anak sendiri..:-)

At 6:50 PM, Blogger Anne said...

hahaha apa la mak pun salah eja anak sendiri! jgn terlupa anak sendiri udah la!

i can see that u already have laid plans for ur lil princess...

memang my friend ckp tu baju tu dari indon... selamat berendam! ni usaha nak menguruskan badan lepas beranak ka?

ala..u kan kurus kering! :0)

At 11:19 AM, Blogger sue said...

ada part yg susah nak buang juga kat badan i..dulu pre-pregancy i underweight..skrg dah ok except for certain area yg degil..lagipun i suka air..tak pro mcm u pun takpe..janji boleh swim


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