Some matters..
Ever since she started going to school, most days than not, she came home with terrible headache.It got us worried... I personally worry that she had inherited my *sight defect* which i think i was born which i didnt realized that fact until my mid term exam when i was in standard 3 which was full with red marks...
We went to see Mesut last friday... he is meşe's hubby n also an *eye doctor*...we wanted to be sure...Allah Razı olsun..meşe brought us to the hospital.. it turned out that her eyesight is good...hence, we all came to the conclusion that hatice cannot stand travelling in the school service...staying n movng vehicles gave her headache...
i suppose she will just need to get used to it.. i cant send her to school everyday using the public transportation.. that is even worst than the school service!!
Another thing, i discovered is the need for her to have her own room...All these while, halil n i thought that we would separate hatice n baddin into rooms of their own by the time hatice turns 10.. well..that is the age for her old bed was supposed to last anyway... MasyaAllah.. she is too tall for her age... n thus making the bed very uncomfortable to sleep in...
Furthermore, i discovered that doing her homework in the living room is very distructive...her concentration was almost nil. But the room she was sharing with baddin was too small with no room for nything except for the two beds... I decided she needed a condusive studying table n room.... hence..the new bed... baddin moving into his new room which ws the study room then... hatice now has a room of her own... she fact 2 tables now... one table..this one...
I just hope all will go well with their studies...though i really worried with baddin's capability with the pen... he still is not very skilled in holidng the pen.....
n both...hates colouring!! heheheheheh
Labels: My Heart Speaks
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