Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Monthly timetable

I like this one system... remember the timetable our classroom teachers always make us copy from the blackboard of what we would learn each day during the week? For Anaokulu (pre school) is not as strict as that... they have sort of different activities each day... less heavy than the normal primary school (ilkokulu) of course... still with a timetable...n 2 weeks ago, i was presented with a piece of 2 sided paper with the activities of the month, with each day outlined... like this:

I think it is extremely useful coz for these kids, there r special days allocated to special activities...To illustrate:

Colour Day

This is when the students will bring things from home (clothes, hair band, ayakkabı etc) to school depending on the color of the day... ie.. red day...The color is determined by the teacher n is written in the timetable. I think the idea is to teach the kids colors..n to make sure the learn the responsibility of bringing something to school n then bringing it back home. Yesterday was red day.. i misunderstood the instruction hehehehe it was red day yesterday. i thought the kids will have to wear the things.. so i made hatice wear a red pant, a read t-shirt n a few red hair accessories...a girl in red ....when the teacher asked her for something red that she brought from home...luckiliy she was not short minded.. she found a book in her bag ..a book with something red in it..n gave it to her teacher... aferin kızım :0) aferin to her mom of course..*read the description of the activities!!* hehehehe

Tekerleme Yürüyüşu

This is more like holloween's trick a treat..but this time, the students will walk in row.. sing a song loudly... n head towards the staffroom. Then, they will collect sweets from the teachers there (it is prearranged i think).. They will collect loads of sweets n each student has the right to eat one sweet.. (this is what i understand from hatice's explanation)..The moral of the activity? Hmm.. have to think about it... walking in a line..*order of teamwork?*

Kitap Gunu

Book day. It is normally on monday. The kids will try to explain the book to the friends of the story (they dunno how to read) n together they will look at the photos in the books n talk about it. To enhance the turkish language of the students, the teacher will pick a book from the students n read one story from the book. I think language enhancement n social interaction is the main aim here along with the children taking responsibilities in bringing the book to n fro the school to home. It is also to enhance the reading habit of the students.


The students will be expected to bring something from home to school. For example.. today is number 5 day.. each student will bring 5 things ( it can be anything..from pencils to apple to stones)..They will count the things...the things brought will be put on a table in the classroom n the counting of the numbers will continue as an ongoing process of that day. Yeah.. LEARNİNG TO COUNT..

Toy Day

A student can bring a toy to school on that day..only one toy. They will play with each other. The idea is again sharing n taking responsibility of the toy brought.

Culinary Day

Once a week, one student will be in charge of Culinary day. The mother of the student in charge will prepare food (ie cake, biscuits, poağca etc) n drinks for each member of the class (preferable prepared together with the child). The student in charge will be the head of the day where he or she will be leading the prayer (dua) before eating..The timetable of who is in charge n when is in the timetable given..

Suprize Day

Once a week, one student will bring small gifts for her or his classmates..the gifts can be sweets, pencil, small toys, keychain etc...that student will be the main attraction of the day. It is all about SHARiNG..Again..who is in charge n when is in the provided timetable..



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